The incomprehensible Maestro navigates while Max undt Moritz quietly recite ta-pocketa ta-pocketa ta-pocketa as we confirm my theories concerning the Brandenburg drive.
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013. Ta-Pocketa... Paris. Help keep this blog going by clicking on a sidebar advertisement. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. Reactions: No comments: Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post& ...
TA Plays First Look: `Yu-Gi-Oh! Bam Pocket` - A Surprisingly Complex Yet Simple Card Game:As an avid Magic the Gathering player, I`ve never had much reason to look in to Yu-Gi-Oh!, but after spending a little time with& ...
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty - soon a new film by Ben Stiller is of course a remake of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Danny Kaye. Both based on a (very) short story of James Thurber - so short I will post it right here - read it& ...
The incomprehensible Maestro navigates while Max undt Moritz quietly recite ta-pocketa ta-pocketa ta-pocketa as we confirm my theories concerning the Brandenburg drive.
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